Friday, July 7, 2017

[Feedback Request] sketchy guy at the door, did not present, everyone wants to know why.

A few days ago someone on here posted their story about an encounter with their crazy, bat-wielding neighbors, and how they didn't escalate the situation by presenting their weapon. There was a lot of discussion on both sides of the topic, should he versus shouldn't he.So, a slightly similar situation happened to me last night, with some interesting follow ups, and I'd like your opinion, good or bad.Around 5 or 6 last night, there came a ringing at my front door. I was on the couch watching tv or something, and my wife was in the bedroom on her phone. We have a sturdy front door and an all-glass full length storm door. When we're both home, I keep the front door open and the storm door locked, because the cats like to sit there and stare out into the street.My neighborhood is super suburban. Lots of military families, older retirees, very quiet. So when the doorbell unexpectedly went off, I was taken off guard.I get up and see a young-ish (mid 20s) black guy in a shirt and tie standing on my porch. He's holding a thing of Walmart-brand disinfecting wipes. I approach the storm door and ask what he wants.He launches into his scam. He works for such and such company, he's doing some sort of promo, he wants to give me free disinfecting wipes. I notice behind him a gray late model family van, Dodge or Chrysler, idling in front of my house.I say, fine, you can leave the wipes on the porch, I'll get them later. He says he has to actually hand them to me. I say no. He then starts to pretend he can't hear me thru the door (when he had no problem a minute ago). I tell him I don't want the wipes and to get off my porch. He becomes agitated. I tell him get off my porch, get off my property, I'm calling the cops. I then slam the heavy door in his face.I arm myself (my G19 was in the bedroom with my wife, along with the HD 12 gauge), and call the cops. A sheriff's deputy, who also happens to be a work friend of my wife, is at our door in about five minutes.Of course there's no sign of the guy or the van. They probably got spooked and dittied out.Here's what's interesting: the deputy (who again, is a sorta-family friend) was like, "did you put a gun in his face?" I was like, "no...""Why not?"And, I've been carrying for 15 years, I'm former LEO, and now-a-days I'm serving active duty military. At the time of the confrontation, I didn't feel it was necessary to escalate the situation. I didn't see a weapon, I had a locked door between me and the "threat" plus an additional door I closed in less than a second.I feel conflicted though. Would presenting in that situation created a greater deterrent or marked my house as a juicier target. It's obvious this guy who's randomly handing out disinfecting wipes is casing places. That much is obvious.I don't feel I need to be strapped up in my own house. But now I've moved my carry gun to the area by the door where we keep our keys and stuff. I'm also considering getting cameras installed as well (suggested by the deputy).What are your thoughts?TL:DR: guy comes to door, is insistent I open door, I slam door on him and call cops. Cop questions why I didn't put a gun in his mouth. via /r/CCW

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