Friday, July 21, 2017

Does anyone else get turned off from conceal carrying because of all the legal aftermath?

EDIT: I'm not making this post to cry about not being able to pick fights and get away scot free. I currently don't carry and I still try to deescalate situations by talking or walking (sometimes running) away and I keep to myself. So, please don't think that this is a post crying about losing my ability to get into confrontations without a legal aftermath, as it is not the purpose of this post.I started reading up on the legal side of carrying and it scares me that even during a "good" DGU the defender still has a ton of legal battles to face. Sometimes, even if the gun wasn't drawn or shown, because any fight a ccw'er is involved in immediately becomes gun fight, because he's carrying.Between that and ccw insurance being iffy (from what I've read), I almost think it's better to get mugged or robbed as my possessions would cost far less than the ensuing legal battle that follows.I understand the saying "its better to be tried by twleve, than carried by six", however I also don't want the legal and financial burden on my friends and family either.In the end I realize a two things.Being a CCW'er is a much greater responsibility than I originally thought.If I'm ever in a situation where I'm more concerned about the aftermath, than the threat I'm currently facing, it's probably best to not brandish or draw.Not sure what the point of this post is. Maybe someone change my view? I was planning on getting my CCW, but now I think I might settle for reading up on the laws, books, and using a gun only to defend my home. via /r/CCW

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