Saturday, June 24, 2017

Crazy ass DGU dream last night

I remember someone posted about a dream they have recurring and I've had similar dreams. Usually I shoot the bad guy and then nothing happens they keep coming and coming... But this time.. Well.. Read on.I was in the Walmart parking lot (not sure if I was coming out or going in or what) it was kind of empty and there was this weird old homeless lady peaking into people's cars (don't ask me how I know she was homeless). Anyway, she turns towards me and I see she has a gun in her hand. Like pressed up against her chest like she's cuddling it. I immediately think WTF?! And start to back away. She continues to approach me but in kind of a non threatening manner. Then I'm trying to continue to back away but she picks up her pace some (think, like a zombie gets faster once they notice you). So I'm telling her ma'am stay away from me and she keeps coming. I'm yelling at her ma'am stay away!! Then I draw my Shield 9mm but my fingers feel all fat and numb (probably asleep) and I tell her "stop or I will shoot you". Then she gets this "Oh shit he's serious" look on her face and starts to move the gun away from her chest as if to point it towards me.. POW POW.. I empty my magazine but can't get a good lock on her... I get behind a car and then reload another mag and after a couple more shots put her down. The cops show up, it's my good friend who's an officer and he's telling me that everything will be OK etc. Once I get to the station I realized that I have USCCA and have not called them. So I talk to the PD about getting my one phone call. The rest is boring and weird. I remember thinking "the folks on reddit aren't gonna believe this shit when I post it." so I felt like it was my duty to my dream self to post this here... Lol. via /r/CCW

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