Saturday, March 4, 2017

Narrowly avoided a break-in last night.. Neighbors weren't so lucky. Basically a cautionary tale on why having a good flashlight is going to be a permanent part of my EDC.

After realizing the doorbell was ringing at 10:30 PM I thought it would be wise to investigate. Immediately slipped my carry gun (LC9s) in my stealth gear appendix holster (always on me or close by when in the house for such a situation) and walked around the house after turning on the porch-lights and seeing no one through the windows.Before going outside I remember being grateful that I was more or less prepared but going out in the dark made me instantly regret neglecting purchasing a quality flashlight or grabbing a flashlight period.. After all, it's most likely the neighborhood pranksters right? Within about 30 seconds outside I heard sounds from the neighbors back-yard. Now I should say that these neighbors have teenagers.I approached the source of the sound, keeping behind some cars parked on my property near the side of the house. Starring into the blackness that was the neighbors backyard, I knew someone was there and I knew they were aware of my presence and most likely had decent visibility of me, knowing exactly where I was.. Let me tell you that that was a terrible, vulnerable feeling! I was very prepared to draw, hand more or less resting on the grip. After waiting about 20 seconds in silence, scanning the yard waiting for my eyes to adjust, no more sound came and I retreated to the safety of the house after realizing what a tactical disadvantage I had. I was wrong in assuming the sound I heard in their backyard was the metal on metal squeek of a swing, I presumed that the teenagers who lived in that house had just doorbell ditched us and were resting on the "swing" after door bell ditching the neighborhood.My assumptions were very wrong as the neighbor doesn't own a swing and the metal on metal sound I heard was most likely the person breaking into the neighbors back door. Luckily after speaking with the neighbor today he said nothing was stolen but the potential thief had gone through his things.I probably made a number of mistakes last night, the top ones being not having a flashlight, not assuming the worst even though my gut knew something was off and not calling the police as a "just in case." Not sure what would have happened if I had had a flashlight and identified the intruder. Ultimately glad that no one was hurt and that the thievery was interrupted.. Gonna buy a flashlight today that's for sure. via /r/CCW

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