Wednesday, March 29, 2017

To Shield or Not to Shield - that is the question

Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer The JHPs and FMJs that cost a fortune, Or to take Arms against a Sea of paper targets, And by double-tapping end themOkay - sorry for that. Here's my question to you know-it-alls: I own an M&P full size 9mm and I'm looking for something smaller for my CCW. I have shot the shield, and I really disliked how much recoil it produced. My hands are pretty large and I felt like it was bouncing around in my hand.I've held (but not shot) just about all the comparable semi autos from other brands, and none of them feel better in my hand than the shield. The way the grip swells out and the grip angle just feel more natural.Is there something I can do to improve recoil? Does adding Talon Grips held this issue? Any advice would be great. Trying to do as much research as I can before I purchase. Thanks! via /r/CCW

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