Saturday, March 25, 2017

Minnesota CCWers! Let your voice be heard on Stand Your Ground and Constitutional carry

Fellow Minnesotans, as you may or may not be aware, currently there are two bills authored by state Rep. Jim Nash sitting in committee. HF188: Constitutional Carry, and HF238: Stand Your Ground.We NEED to ensure that these bills move forward. The plan was originally to get these bills in the public safety omnibus bill, however, tomfoolery has erupted and it hasn't happened, instead, it appears that Speaker Daudt wants to "run out the clock" before the bill can be brought to the Senate so the bill dies due to a "rules" change. This cannot happen.Call your State Representative, Senator, and Speaker Daudt. Demand that these bills be placed in the Public Safety Omnibus bill (if they stand alone we know how our Governor will vote on it.) This is what we did to pass suppressor legalization last year, we know it will work this time.In addition, on March 28th, a Tuesday, in Room 10 of the State Office Building (the big one). Get there early, around 10 o'clock at least, to get a seat, and wear a 2nd Amendment or GOCRA shirt. Let your voice be heard and demand that these representatives support our rights. via /r/CCW

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