Sunday, March 5, 2017

Looking for feedback on last night's dog encounter

Probably the biggest reason I carry is because I walk my dog a lot, and for whatever reason, she's a magnet for other dogs that want to fight. We have narrowly avoided dog fights several times because unleashed dogs will approach her and act aggressive. My dog is an 80 pound American Bulldog and is pretty good at fighting but now she's getting old and has bad knees. She might win a fight but be crippled the rest of her life. Not to mention the risk of needing stitches or losing an eye.I'm staying with friends in Phoenix. I went out walking my dog last night, after dark, about 8:00. Not five minutes from the house we're walking by a house with the garage door open and a guy working inside. An approximately 40 pound sharpei (sp?) looking dog comes trotting out, no pauses, straight up to my dog's face and they exchange a few bites before the other dog retreats to just out of leash range, then circles around behind. I draw and yell, "I'm gonna shoot this fuckin dog if it tries to fight mine again, you better come and get it." From the garage, guy shouts, "What?" I repeat myself verbatim. At this point the other dog starts retreating, scared off by my yelling. The guy starts walking out of his garage and says something like "I'll shoot you if you do, you better stop making threats." Now, this whole time, I have not stopped walking, and we're on the other side of this guy's house and leaving swiftly. I just didn't say anything and kept on walking. Guy says something like "That's right, keep walking away." I didn't say anything and kept walking. Kept gun drawn but pointed at the ground until I was well away from the house and sure the guy wasn't following me.I'm pretty sure the guy heard me the first time and was just asking "What?" to be a dick. I'm shocked that that was his reaction. Any rational person, I would expect, would know they were in the wrong by letting an unleashed dog start fights in the street, not want their dog to get shot, and do their best to remedy the situation. I did not expect to get threatened back. I'll grant you that I probably said the wrong thing the wrong way. Maybe I should't have said anything to the guy and just yelled at the dog to get back. This is a scenario I had never prepared for. I've met a lot of unattended dogs but never with an owner.Monday morning quarterback. What would you do next time? Other scenarios to plan for?Thank you so much. via /r/CCW

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