Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Alien Gear Cloak Tuck 3.0 Adjustability

TLDR; Best combination of spacers between backing and clips/kydex for max concealability?I got my cloak tuck 3.0 about three weeks ago and so far I have no real complaints. I'm 6 feet, 225 with a mild Miller Lite belly and my G26 seems to conceal very well for the most part at 4:30 position. Haven't tried with light t shirts yet because it's still cold. Pretty comfortable as well. Definitely know it's there but much more comfortable than a White Hat and Comp-tac I had years ago because of the neoprene and for the price it's a great value.I was very impressed with the amount of spacers and hardware that came with it for adjustability which brings me to my question. I had to put the large spacers between the kydex and backing because the retention was too tight, but i was wondering if anyone has experimented with the spacers between the clips and backing and the combination with kydex backing spscers to get the best concealability? I figured maybe putting the largest spacers between the backing and the clips might push the entire backing more out and make it look more flusher? Just looking for thoughts. via /r/CCW

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