Saturday, February 4, 2017

Someone “physically assaulted” my brother at work. He wasn't armed.

I say “physically assaulted” with quotes because I want to ask you if you consider it to be physical assault, and what you would have done in this situation.I want to keep this as short as possible as the investigation is still ongoing. This incident occurred last month.I have high definition security footage of the incident that I want to share on social media and offer a small reward to find these people, but my lawyer strongly cautioned against it until the investigation is over.She told me that it would be okay to talk about it, but not to speculate what I would have done had I been there. I will most likely share this footage at a later time when appropriate.The IncidentFamily owned business, small retail store. My brother is working that day. Lady calls up and asks about a certain item. She gets an attitude about the price and gets real mouthy. He tries to talk to her, but she’s not having it. He hangs up in her face. She calls back on a different number, starts swearing left and right. He hangs up on her again. Generally speaking, these types of calls happen more often than I would like to admit.An hour or two later, my brother is on the phone speaking to another customer, when a male and female walk into the store yelling ‘Are you the little bitch that hung up on me?’ right off the bat. The male is pointing his finger, arm fully extended in a very aggressive posture, at my brother, the second he steps into the store. Walks up close to my brother, only thing between is a desk/counter, knocks the damned store phone out my brother’s hand, sends it flying into a merchandise rack, and keeps his hand pointed at my brother’s face, couldn't have been more than a foot away from his face.To put things into perspective, my brother is about 5’8” and 140 lbs soaking wet. From what I can estimate from the security footage, the male was at least 6 feet and easily 200+ lbs. His hambeast of a female companion was at least a nice round (no pun intended) 250 lbs.Anyway, the male continues to yell and point a my brother while the hambeast female does a bunch of ghetto hand gestures pointing at him as well. My brother backs away and around the counter to pick up the phone that the male knocked out of his hand to call 911. The male actually attempts to go around the counter but the female appears to stop him.My brother's reaction to that is to put his hands up and try to calm them down.The male knocks over a small display that was on one of the counters, continues to yell and point while they walk out of the store.I want to make it clear that these individuals have never been in our store until that day. We don’t know who they are.Police was called, a report was made, and copy security footage was given to police.My ThoughtsI'm glad my brother is okay.I wish I was there. Not because I'm armed or I because I wanted to shoot him (I don't). I just feel like if my brother wasn’t alone, the guy wouldn’t have acted like a tough guy to the point he starts knocking things around, including the phone out of my brother’s hand.After the police left, my dad left a .38 special that I gave him a while back with my brother at the store. This is interesting to me because my dad isn’t pro-gun per se, doesn’t have a CCW and told me he doesn’t feel like he needs it despite past incidents that he’s had at the store. I’m also mixed on that because I don’t know if I trust my brother with it. He knows how to shoot, he’s a very calm, patient, passive kid, I just don’t know if I trust him to handle such a situation with a weapon.Please share your thoughts with me.How can someone possibly think they can walk into a legitimate business with security cameras, start yelling and swearing, knock a phone out of an employee’s hand, walk out and get away with it?Would you consider this to be physical assault?How would you have handled it?Is it a good idea to leave a weapon at the location for my brother? I obviously want him to have the option to protect himself if it happens again. via /r/CCW

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