Friday, February 24, 2017

Had to draw for the first time! Maintaining SA is vital!

Hey guys, this happened last week, but I thought I would share you my experience. On the side, I drive for Uber and Lyft - and I carry regardless of their policy because my life is more important and one has to go into rough parts of the city one dwells in to pick up passengers. Well, that's for a different forum, so let me tell you what happened.I was going to pickup a passenger in a 'rough' part of my city. This was about 2115 CST and I arrived at the location. You could tell these buildings had better days and seemed to be a 'project' building when built. They had been run down with the types of people that you really don't want to associate with (well, at least me) - drug addicts, dealers, prostitution, etc. .While I was waiting for a passenger to come out (which surprisingly seemed well put together) I had noticed a group of people just on a corner minding their own business when they saw me stop. Some of them left, some did not. I was a solid 1.5-2 blocks ahead of them when two guys I noticed to start come my way. As a pre-caution, I just kept an eye on them for myself (military training came into practice here). Their appearance and looks they had on their face suggested they were not up to any good as they were trying to see who was in the car (I have tinted windows). One guy, he was yelling who was in their trying to do the 'intimidating' factor and was pretty sure he was carrying appendix, because he put his hand down into his middle of his pants as if he was going to draw. I immediately pulled my gun out of my holster, but had kept it concealed within my vehicle, ready just in case I had to use it. I then realize that I didn't have to be in that situation (training kicked in) and I just put my car into drive and high tailed it out of that place. I went about 3-4 blocks away still maintaining my situational awareness and noticed those people kept watching me, but then decided to go back into their buildings.Point here is folks, if you have a way out and don't have to fire on someone, better imho to get out of a situation then to confront and go through the process of shooting someone and dealing with the police, lawyers, and the emotional toll it takes one someones brain. via /r/CCW

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