Saturday, February 4, 2017

Carrying at a friends house

Got into an argument on a different site about carrying while at someone else's house so I wanted to throw the scenario out to y'all and see how it goes.Here is the exact quote of the OP"If a person has a concealed carry permit, should they let you know that they are carrying when they enter your home for dinner/a party/whatever??? We have friends that have their permits and carry firearms legally and I just recently found out that they always carry when they come to our house..NOTE: I am NOT anti gun and have no problem with people carrying if they are doing so legally.BUT I have small children and don't necessarily trust the gun safety of an acquaintance when my kids may be playing with them or pulling up on them. For some reason it just really pissed me off when I found this out. In some cases, we have had friends from church over that we barely know/just met and I later found out that the husband took their firearm into my house.Am I crazy? I brought it up to one of the guys and he acted like I was intolerant and had no right to restrict his right to carry...even in my own home.Anyone ever dealt with this sort of thing before? My son's 1st bday is coming up and I know the guest list includes multiple Fathers who carry. "Ultimately my response has been 1:if I'm drinking it's locked up 2: if asked to disarm I will gladly comply but guaranteed you won't know I'm carrying 3: I'm not advertising I'm carrying or volunteering that information so what business of yours is it 4: outside of "it's my house and my rules" what rational do you have to demand everyone is disarmed in your house? 5: how do/would you know who is carrying unless you frisk everyone or ask everyone who steps in your houseNeedless to say I'm a little surprised at how the thread has gone because by and large it is a more conservative group of people who mostly reside in Texas. It seems to be that most of them don't trust others, which I totally get and respect, but it seems they also have some irrational views of guns and gun owners. Obviously there is a lot of "why would you feel the need to carry at my house" type stuff getting thrown out.So r/ccw, how would you handle this situation both from a guest and a host? via /r/CCW

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