Monday, February 27, 2017

Why do people carry their favorite/cool handguns?

I carry a Glock 43 with aftermarket sights.. it works, I'm proficient with it, and it was purchased as a carry gun knowing that should it ever serve its purpose its possible it'll spend the rest of its days in an evidence locker.I see post after post, on other subs mostly, of someone's new "EDC" that's been heavily modified, custom milling, red dot sights, rails, etc, etc. I'm all for investing in and making firearms as we want them. I just don't understand doing all of that to a gun who's express purpose it to be used and then likely surrendered to an evidence lockup for good.This isn't Call of Duty... we likely won't get to keep the gold plated AK47 after we use it one someone. What am I missing? via /r/CCW

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