Hey ya'll, extreme newb and Missouri resident here.I currently live on campus at school but will be living off campus next year, and have been pretty dead-set on carrying (when not on campus/at class, of course). I'm really pro-gun, and have shot before, etc. but have never owned a gun as Missouri residents must be 21 to purchase a handgun. Also, Missouri is now constitutional carry for anyone who didn't know.Now, the real meat of the post. I really liked a family member's Glock-19. I have been seriously eyeing a Glock either 17 or 19 but am not dismissive of a 1911-type handgun as I like that platform as well. The problem is that I have no experience carrying a gun, open or concealed, and want to know what others think before dropping what I consider a large chunk of change on a gun, belt, holster, etc.Also, SOB carry is unhealthy so I won't be doing that, but I am attracted to AIWB. Having said that, I am not opposed to OWB carry. I assume that it's all personal preference.So, really, my questions are (for simplicity's sake):1) Glock 17 or 19?2) Is there an affordable (glock pricerange) 1911? Preferably 9mm because .45 is more expensive3) Do I just need to try on holsters to get a feel for where I want to carry? AIWB, OWB, etc.4) I am expecting to spend near $1000 for the gun, belt, holster, sufficient ammo, essientially everything I need to carry when I'm ready. Is that accurate for a Glock 19 or 1911 carry?Thanks in advance guys and gals.P.S. If there's something I missed and you want to share some knowledge, please do! via /r/CCW http://ift.tt/2m5IoGe
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