Monday, February 20, 2017

I Didn't Draw, I Still Messed Up

Throw away because: duh. This was a while ago.Went for lunch with downtown a major city with my female counterpart. We ate about 10 to 12 blocks from her place of employment. On our walk back I noticed a guy standing just a little bit too close to us while we waited for the walk signal. There were other people around us. My red flags were there, but I also thought maybe he's just oblivious. Once the light changed I picked up the pace and he kept up, now more clearly following us. I tried to get a good look at him. Scraggly brown jacket, wool hat pulled low. All I could see was his chin and 4 day old scruff.We made our way back to her work. Here's where I fucked up. The employee entrance is in the back of the building, and you have to take an alley to get there. She's walking just a couple steps in front of me, and I, focusing on the guy behind us, blindly followed her into the alley. No one goes in the alley unless they are working there, and he clearly wasn't.Fuck up #1: We should never have turned off the main street.My focus was staying between her and the guy behind us, so I wasn't thinking clearly.The alley ran the length of the building to another street and a parking garage, where I had parked. I checked my shoulder and sure enough, about 6 steps behind us, he was in the alley as well. At this point I'm pushing her to walk faster and alerting her that we are being followed, she still had no idea. I hand her the keys (with mace) and tell her to run for the car.I take about 10 more steps and slide my jacket out of the way for a clean draw. Hand on my gun, I turn back to see him dive behind one of the cars parked in the alley.Good enough for me, I take off, catching up to her, we head to the car and get in. From the garage about 5 minutes later, I see the guy pop back out from behind car and take off.Fuck up #2: I didn't call the police.Thinking back later, his reaction was that of a guilty person and I probably should have called. I felt the need to draw. Should I have called?I drove her back to the office and walked her in the front door, not the employee entrance. It was probably 3 hours before my heart rate came back down.Besides entering the alley and not calling, is there anything I should have done differently?Worst part of the lesson learned is that now I don't go downtown for drinks anymore. I feel the need to always have a gun with me downtown now and, well, guns and booze don't mix. via /r/CCW

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