Thursday, June 23, 2016

Might be doing some security work for a friend's entertainment business and I need a bit of advice.

TL;DR: Friend wants me to do security work. What do I need as far as permits go and what kind of non-lethal would you recommend?My friend is in the business of organizing, booking, and promoting local music shows in Florida and recently asked me to join his street team. I'll be working mainly in the set-up and teardown of each band's equipment, but he also wants me to do security work. I informed him of my CCW permit because:I trust him thoroughly and he's a very rational person. Even if he was anti-gun, he'd be rational enough to explain why he doesn't want it at his event.It would be a condition of me accepting the role of security (I can handle most of the people in the scene, but I want to guarantee the that I have the upper hand.)Anyway, he said a concealed weapon is fine as long as it's legal and my permit is up to date. Yay!Another concern I have is what to use. Most, if not all, of the shows are metal shows and anyone here who's into metal understands what that means: crowded room, mosh pits, crowd killing (people in the mosh pit attacking people outside of the mosh pit), and the inevitable drunk guy built like the Himalayas. Given these circumstances and the recent shooting in Orlando, I'm not bringing a gun into this environment. I was thinking non-lethal(s), possibly a stun gun and baton. I was wondering what you all would suggest for this?Also, do I need to receive "security permits" or anything along those lines before doing this? I just want to make sure I'm doing this by the book. via /r/CCW

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