Monday, June 27, 2016

Advice Needed - Getting CCW Policy Implemented at Work

A few of us in my office are looking to band together in the hopes of meeting with our boss to see about allowing us to carry at work. We currently have the standard "no weapons on premises" policy outlined in our employee handbook.To set the stage: I work in an insurance office. This is a low crime area in a mostly rural area. Some of us do travel on occasion, which can take us to shadier parts of the city. The odds of someone coming in to rob the place are slim to none, although our single neighbor is a newly built bank. Our boss would likely be receptive to our ideas. He's a conservative guy and even hosts the area monthly party meetings at our office, after hours.Just curious if anyone has had success with implementing a CCW plan at their place of employment, or if there are any resources you could direct me to. Thanks in advance! via /r/CCW

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