Sunday, August 4, 2019

Some things to think about...

So this is my first post here, and I want to try to make it a good one.With the Mass shootings that happened in the last week, I think that we need to take inventory. Not inventory of our guns, or ammo, or gear or anything tangible like that. We need to inventory our skills.We all have probably thought about how we would respond in a mass shooting. We all probably fantasize about being the guy to stop it at some level. We have a protector mindset and that's admirable. However, Are we really prepared to render assistance in such a tragic event? Sure we can all shoot, but that's not the only thing needed.I would urge everyone here to seek out some medical training, specifically trauma care. I believe that we as the potential on scene responders have a moral duty to know how to relieve trauma, and not just know how to inflict it. I know that I would rather never fire a shot at a mass shooter, and be remembered for rendering assistance to the wounded, and potentially ensuring that no one died because of some nutbar with a martyr complex. via /r/CCW

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