Monday, August 5, 2019

I fired on a dog today. And missed.

But that's not the most important takeaway for me.I was in my yard with my father when two dogs ran up to us barking and snarling. My idiot father decided to try and scare them off by yelling and running at them. All this did was piss the dogs off and get my father bit on the leg. The other dog circled around to me still barking. I pulled and fired at it. And missed.The loud bang and puff of dirt near the dog scared both of them away.What I discovered during this incident, beside the fact my father is a moron, is that muscle memory and trigger control are more important than I ever realized. When I was being approached by the dog I did not have time to aim. All I could do was point and shoot. In that moment I also realized that I was super lucky this happened in my yard as I was fully aware of my surroundings. If this had happened somewhere else the result could have been bad. It's been entirely too long since I've been to a range. I will rectify that this weekend.Practice is so very important when taking on the responsibility of carrying. Practice your trigger control and drawing from concealment daily. Go to the range as often as you can. And most importantly, don't rush at attacking dogs.Stay safe everyone. via /r/CCW

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