Friday, August 23, 2019

How to deal with Bullies when you are physically weak ?

Today I was on my bike in traffic, where one guy sitting behind on another bike started abusing all of a sudden. Both bikes were close but not close enough to even make contact with each other. But I noticed he was on a call talking angrily and as soon as he ended the call, he showed all the frustration on me and even approached as if to beat me up. Even the opposite driver behind which that scum is sitting is surprised by his antics, because at no point there seemed to be a problem. He nodded in agreement when I asked there was no problem in the first place. But the scum sitting behind him did not feel like moving on.

Since I was lean, short and does not exactly an intimidating personality physically , this scum thought he could satisfy his anger from the call he was on by beating me up. Luckily I was mostly silent and asking him to move while he was abusing and with people watching and with traffic he moved reluctantly.

So, all you kind and wise folks, how do the physically weak people deal with scums and bullies like him who are much stronger physically ?

How do we defend ourself in cases where it leads into a physical fight ?

Any advice/opinions are appreciated. Thanks.

Submitted August 23, 2019 at 11:43AM by throwawayount123456

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