Thursday, August 1, 2019

(DGU) yesterday morning on my way to work.

I am not a writer and I am on mobile but I will try to make this as easy to read as I can.My wife has been out of town visiting family and since we only have the one car I have been walking to work. My day starts pretty early, 4am, and is about a 45 minute was so I leave my house a little after 3 am.I am not allowed to carry at work and also my job requires me to go to the post office each day sometimes twice a day but I carry in a little tactical bum back that I tell everyone is my lunch box and I leave that in the office when I get to work because I have the only key to my office.I live in safe city in KY which is a relatively safe town compared to some of the places I’ve lived such as south west Houston. The neighborhood I live in is considered the bad part of town but it really ain’t that bad and I don’t look like an easy mark even though I stick out like a sore thumb with my boots and Stetson.So I am walking to work yesterday at around 3 am. There is hardly anyone out, I did t even see the usual prossies that hang out on the corners of 7th street. I hit the main strip at around 320 am and co to he walking to work. This young looking guy across the street I guess seen I was smoking a cigarette so he runs across to ask me for one. I hate giving out cigarettes because I run out at the exact same time everyday and if I give him one I will run out an hour before my work shift ends and I can’t do that. So I tell the guy no. He then starts begging while trying to keep up with me as I start walking fast away from him. The guy is basically parallel to me maybe about a foot a way to my right.The dude starts telling me about how he has had a long night and he could really use a cigarette. At this time my bum back is hanging off my shoulder on my left side and I have my hand inside of it with my grip on the pistol cause I don’t like the way this guy is looking me up and down and full of energy at 330am. I told the guy to fuck off cause I have nothing for him. At this point he says “oh really?” And then tried to flex at me by throwing his shoulders to try and make me flinch. That was when I drew and turned to face the guy but not pointing at him, kept it hanging in my hand by my left leg. At first the guy stopped dead in his tracks and I took several steps back, putting about 10 feet between us. I tell the dude one more time to fuck off or we are both gonna have a bad morning.Now I really dont want to shoot this guy but he had already threatened me and I am not a fighter, for a junkie this dude looked pretty fit. The dude starts walking towards me, so I raise my gun, finger off the trigger, haven’t cocked it. He sees this but still keeps walking at me like he is ready to go. At this point I am starting to worry that I am gonna have to shoot him so I switch my firearm to my strong hand and then aim it center mass at the guy. I then pull my phone from my left pocket and snapped a pic of the dude and told him I am dialing 911. At that point the dude threw a shirt he had in his hand at me and tried to spit on me before running off.I’ve been replaying the incident for the last 30 hours in my head wondering what I could have done different or if I was even justified. In my 20 years of carrying I’ve only had to draw one other time and that was cause I pissed of a van load of somoans by honking at them when I lived in anchorage. via /r/CCW

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