Friday, April 27, 2018

Issues with my work.

I've recently relocated to start attending barber school in the fall and was lucky enough to find a job working in successful semi-local chair of barber shops at the front desk. Today informed that employees are not allowed to carry after being spotted while moving boxes overhead in a store room. Now I'm debating if I should start looking for a new job. The city has been hit hard by the meth and heroine waves in the Midwest, large numbers of homeless (who are known to be violent) in the area and an employee was literally threatened at gunpoint less than a month ago. Meanwhile the owner and head of maintenance both carry and the shop has pictures and blueprints of guns displayed on the walls. Between the safety concerns and angry of the hypocrisy I think I need to find something new for work. Am I being unreasonable? I think if either the safety or hipocrisy weren't a concern I could look past it, but with both I'm just not sure. via /r/CCW

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