Tuesday, April 24, 2018

A situation I was happy to not have my weapon on me

Story time. This happened 5 years ago. I was driving home, around 11 at night. It was a pretty decent neighborhood. I had just started carrying but I didn’t feel competent enough to do it regularly, so I was not carrying it that night. I pulled up to a red light, when a gentleman ran up to my window. Everything happened so fast, and if this guy wanted to hurt me he probably would have had time.He was banging on my window to get my attention. I rolled it down slightly enough where I could hear him talk. He said he was just at a party when someone had come into the party and started shooting. He said his friend was behind him but wasn’t anymore, he said the gunman was following him. He believed his friend was shot. He was frantic and crying. I honestly wanted no part and wanted to just go home. We both saw someone approaching behind him and this was enough to tell me it was time to go, So I drove off. He jumped into my tailgate as I sped off. I saw what appeared to be a gun in the other persons hand as I drove off, only causing me to put the pedal to the metal. We made it about a mile down the road and I called the police. I didn’t stick around after speaking with police to find out what exactly happened. But a quiet night quickly turned into me with my hands in the air in my pajamas on the side of the road as police approached us.A few lessons: I needed to be more aware of my surroundings. Had I had it to do over again, I would have driven off without engaging the gentleman. Had I had my firearm on me, it would have complicated the situation and I likely would have engaged either the gentleman that approached my car or the gentleman following him. Either way, I just got embroiled in something that had nothing to do with me.I don’t know, what do you guys think? via /r/CCW https://ift.tt/2HqA53d

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