Saturday, April 28, 2018

Insight, advice, or considerations for pistol retention

So, I gave the Moronic Monday post a shot, didn't get any bites, so here I am, on my very own thread (so exciting, isn't it!!) seeking help from all you lovely people.the tl;dr:9 Shield, 7+1, spare 8rd. Short, fat (medical issues not cleared for exercise), struggle with printing through uncomfortably loose clothing and finding a comfortable holster. Tried Kydex, leather, and hybrid. Considering a bellyband, want input from users (overweight, average, or underweight, matters not though I would appreciate insight from a bigger guy or gal who uses a band the most) on brand, clip type (magnetic, snap, elastic ETC) and material build (neoprene vs elastic, ETC)The long version:After trying a number of kydex and leather holsters, i'm struggling to find a retention solution that fits my body at the moment (tl;dr: some biomedical issues, i've gained a reasonable amount of weight and can't actually actively participate in exercise (due to some lingering factors of the cause) at the moment to begin working the weight off). 5'8, 210 lbs, my BMI classifies me as overweight, and most of the fat is stored in my gut. Previously a mesomorph body type, but appear to be shifting towards a endomorph as I cut calories further and further and continue to gain weight.Several of the holsters that I have collected in my venture to find one that works, should work just fine once I am cleared to begin exercising again and am able to get back to a normal weight. Until then, though, I have a feeling that a bellyband is going to be my best bet, and who knows, I may end up liking it best!Do any of you larger guys (or gals - I don't judge) have any experience with a belly band, positive or negative?In regards to everyone that uses, has used, or liked a bellyband, did you have a particular brand that you preferred? I can only find one store near me that has any for sale, a mom-and-pop gun shop (my local gun store that I try to run as much business through as I can) and their selection is one model from one brand - Kaylle, so my tri-before-you-buy options are limited.Thoughts on neoprene vs elastic? magnetic retention vs snap? anything else I may be missing?I'm not closed off exclusively to a bellyband, i'm open to any suggestions (and i'll let you know if any have been on my already-purchased list), but I kind of have the one-two punch going on; i'm a relatively short stature guy, with a little too much weight on him (more specifically, most significantly around the gut as well, unfortunately) at the moment via /r/CCW

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