Tuesday, December 5, 2017

(x-post /r/TexasCHL/) Austin Convention Center 30.06 and LE

TL:DR; Complied with state laws at the convention center, yet two hours later was detained for 20 minutes because the convention center has an illegal 30.06 and 30.07 notice, no charges, but I'm filing complaints left and right with the Texas AG, City of Austin PD, and Travis County Sheriff's Department)Before we get into it, I was born in Houston, grew up elsewhere and now reside in Georgia. I happen to be in Austin for a technology conference, prior to making a trip down here (horrid drive from ATL do not recommend one shotting that to anyone ever), I did some due diligence research: HandgunLaw.us for state specific laws, more reading up on 30.06, 30.05, and 30.07, some reading on the convention center (found a post roughly a year old, maybe older in a forum) which outlined the fact that a. if 30.06 was posted it would be illegal (it's property owned by city of Austin), a link to a older event planning forum advising that 30.06 was not allowable in the center and that the best event organizers could do was 30.05 (I'm paraphrasing), I went to the convention center website found no rules, saw the seal of the City of Austin on the front page and went about my merry day.Fast forward to this morning, after driving 23 hours from Atlanta to be here, I got up and went to the conference registration, after parking my vehicle I walked up to a door, noticed the antigun sign (verbage on this door was not 30.06 or 30.07 compliant, I'm guessing this is a 30.05 remnant that somebody didn't catch), walked in, picked up my badge and went out to smoke.When I went out the door I noticed a 30.06 compliant sign, there was also a deputy and an austin pd officer present. I made small talk with the officer and asked for information about the center including contact information, he asked me why (based on my experience the encounter just went from consensual to professional) and explained why, also notifying the officer (under the provisions I understand of the requirements here) that I did hold a CHL and was in possession thereof (I also specifically mentioned the door that I went in not being 30.06 compliant so I'm sure that will be rectified soon). Had a comfortable encounter, got the information I needed and I went about my day.I walked outside of the convention center back to my car and deposited my Glock in her vaulted nest and went back to the convention center to look at the schedule. After figuring out what I'm doing for the next 72 hours or so, went and looked at the flight board (colleague was coming in from out of town and I was going to pick him up) and went on the 3rd floor since there was a nice glass overview of the city. As I came back down from the 3rd there was an officer at the bottom of escalator, as this is a tech conference and I doubt there will be many Austin natives in attendance I asked him if he had any local food recommendations, we talked about distance (came out I have a car and that I was leaving in 20 to go to the airport so if there was anything in that direction).As I'm talking to the APD officer we're talking about Barbecue, Chilli, and TexMex a detective (guessing with the Sheriff's Department) approaches me, asked me if I had conversation with another officer outside (referencing the 30.06 convo) I answered in the affirmative, I don't recall him making any further inquiries, the officer I was talking to mentioned about food we were talking about and I left to the airport. It's important to note that something between 15 and 30 minutes have passed between the initial contact and now, further, I was not under surveillance to the best of my knowledge. Everything's fine up to this point, I've done the entire notice with 72 hours to comply bit that the Texas AG requires http://ift.tt/2AvVoMb so I don't expect anymore out of this for right now except me being unarmed for the duration of the conference.Well, that's not quite what happened, after picking up my coworker from the airport, dropping him off at his hotel and coming back to the convention center, I parked, disarmed, and walked to the convention center, I was immediately flanked by two uniformed Austin PD officers and our friend the detective (note that I had been gone for between an hour to two hours by this time, long enough for me to drive to a verizon store, purchase/fix a few things, and to pick someone up at the airport, I also got stuck in traffic as I was driving into downtown Austin and passed an officer being laid to rest (the entire progression traveled down the opposing road way). I was detained for approximately 18 minutes, I was frisked (Legality of terry stops for CHL holders aside) and the officer asked to search my bag (I refused the search without a warrant), his reasonable ground for detention was that 2 hours previously I had followed the law (advised an officer that I was in possession as required) and left to go pick someone up from the airport after our consensual contact ended in his words "You tore out of here after we talked which makes me believe xxxx".I have the entire detention recorded via Facebook live and have already dialed the number on the 30.06 complaint site. The officer in question tried to ask the facility to trespass me, they declined (guessing because they would then be responsible for damages in the loss of being able to attend an event I paid for at $1,200), so I'm going to file a complaint on him with the civilian oversight group (or whatever 311 called it), further I caught 30.06(e)(e) It is an exception to the application of this section that the property on which the license holder carries a handgun is owned or leased by a governmental entity and is not a premises or other place on which the license holder is prohibited from carrying the handgun under Section 46.03 or 46.035 .I have the officer and staff on camera admitting several times that the convention center is owned by the city and "leased" to the company, 30.06 does not make that distinction. Further, the convention center still bills itself as part of the city of austin (city seal etc etc), so I'm guessing the lease is not really a lease but an outsourced property management contract. I'm at a loss as to what to do next, I fully anticipate tomorrow to be ejected from the conference either by the managing company or by the conference organizers, I can guarantee that the detective (based on our interaction) is following up with both of them (note I'm within conference guidelines to the best of my knowledge, since this is likely organized by one of the West Coast companies I'm certain it's an oversight they didn't think of since these are usually in Seattle/LA/San Fran). Further, I suspect even if I don't get ejected or trespassed I will be further harassed by the officer in question and/or his coworkers based on the interaction tonight. So I guess I just needed you to know, even though I'm from Georgia, I'm standing up for ya'll down here too. If anybody wants to support me on this, I'll gladly add you on one of the live streaming sites as I have a feeling live streaming is going to save my bacon this week. via /r/CCW http://ift.tt/2AxopXP

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