Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Flavor of the month

I've been into guns for just a few years now and had my CCW for Two and a half years. My first pistol was a Ruger P95, which I sold to buy a Ruger LC9, which I sold to my dad and bought my current CCW, a Glock 19. I've been carrying this pistol for at least a year and a half.I love the G19, but hanging around Reddit and subscribing to a few gun channels on YouTube, I am very aware of competing pistols that seem to come and go with great regularity. I do love my 19 but feel my eyes straying for the next flavor of the month.The first pistol that challenged my love was the Sig 320. The ability to change out slides and frames inexpensively both made for the ability to change form factors on the fly and also meant that I could try my hand at stippling or whatnot and not be too upset if I fucked up my gun. Then 320s started shooting off when dropped, and based on the momentum they had before that event and how quiet the Sig fanboys are after the fix, it seems that gun has lost the sexy factor it had before. Still a good gun. But really just another gun now.The CZ p10c was the next gun to turn my head, and to be honest I'm still mulling it over. I've heard very few, and very minor, downsides of it. A hard to use slidestop, a failure to get into battery that happens only under very specific circumstances. I'm not sure what else. The thing about the 320 was that you could afford to modify it without too much fear. The thing about the p10c is that most modifications I've done to my Glock are things I wouldn't need to do for the CZ. The trigger guard is already undercut. The sights are already metal and luminescent. Plus the grip is a bit longer, which is attractive to me with my big meaty claws.The M&P 2.0 Compact... James Yeager likes it I guess. Has it even had a honeymoon period?So here I am, loving my Glock and wondering if I should just be faithful or if the CZ is the Goldilocks pistol that I should just buy. Or do I wait another year so any CZ updates can work out the kinks and risk another manufacturer or three coming out with the next few sexy guns that everyone is drooling over?I've been in the game just a few years. And the carousel of carry guns is rotating faster than I would have expected. via /r/CCW

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