Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Almost a long night...

Tl;Dr: Dark parking lot, 20 - 25 teenagers, one of them says "Oooh, he looks like he probably has a whole pocket full of money...". Two of them start to approach you... What would you do?My wife is out of town this week so I decided to go and see a movie by myself for a change (The Last Jedi). I remembered that I had some gift cards for Best Buy so I stopped by there on my way home.It was already dark outside but I figured I may as well stop while I'm on this side of town. I pull into the parking lot and get out to start walking towards the store and as soon as I do, I see a group of probably 20 - 25 teenage boys walking through the lot at the same time.They're coming right towards me, cutting through cars and talking pretty loudly. I kept my distance and walk clear of them but the hair on the back of my neck was standing ALL the way up just because it's dark outside and it was a LOT of them.That's when I heard one of them say "Oooh, he looks like he probably has a whole pocket full of money..."In my head, I knew they were talking about me because I was literally the only person walking through the parking lot. Right then, two of the boys started veering off from the group back into my direction.I really didn't like how things were starting to turn out so I just gave them a glance like "I don't want any problems, but I DO see you right now.."I guess their friend saw that because the next thing I hear is "Hey, don't do it to him. Don't do it to him. Come on, let's go!"They keep walking and I go inside, buy what I need and leave...Here's the question, what would you have done differently in this situation? If anything at all?I was thankful that I was carrying (XDS 9mm) and that my wife wasn't with me because things could have gone south really quickly.It made me appreciate the CCW life in a completely different way. via /r/CCW http://ift.tt/2BFje5Q

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