Monday, December 25, 2017

Merry Christmas /r/CCW. Use some of your holiday down time to take care of a few administrative things.

Since most of us get at least a little bit of down time during the holidays, it's a really good time for us to do some administrative housekeeping with the stuff we use to protect ourselves and our loved ones.Firearms:Do a field strip of any guns you are using for self defense and use this handy mnemonic device I was taught by one of my instructors. B.M.W C.L.S or: Broken, Missing, Worn. Clean, Lubricated, Spring Tension.First inspect your firearms for anything that appears to be actually broken. Then look for anything showing signs of wear, or excessive wear, and take note. You may want to replace those parts or at least order a replacement part now. Hopefully none of your defensive firearms are actually missing any critical parts. That'd be bad, mkay?Then before you put your guns back together make sure they are clean, appropriately lubricated, and that all the spring tension feels like it is within specifications. If not, you may want to do some googling to check and see if that spring has become worn out, the uncompressed length vs. a factory new sample is usually a good indication. This is a good time to also give your carry magazines a strip down and check the springs for the right length or the presence of wear/corrosion. A gentle wipe with a moistened cloth is about as much as you need to do to your magazines. Don't use cleaning chemicals on them. They should be wiped down and left to dry completely before going back into rotation.Ammunition:Inspect all the carry ammo you have in magazines or clips. If you've been carrying that ammo for a while it might be a good idea to shoot it, or throw it away if it looks a little too corroded, etc. Accordingly, order yourself another box or two of that ammo.Holsters and Belts:Maintenance here is often overlooked. So put down what we will just graciously pretend is only your second eggnog and listen up.All your kydex or hybrid holsters should be taken apart completely and inspected for excessive wear or cracks. The kydex should only need a simple wipe down with a moist cloth to get it cleaned, but if you decide to use anything stronger just make sure you don't leave chemical residue in your holster.For the leather, you should first check the manual published by your manufacturer, but stuff like mink oil or saddle soap is often recommended for cleaning and conditioning leather holsters and belts.Obviously if your holster or belt has excessive wear or actual cracks in it, you should probably fix or replace it.Lastly, and this is key, get some blue loctite and apply that to all the screws for all the holsters you are doing this inspection for. While you're doing your disassembly of your holsters you may even notice that some of your screws were loose. You're welcome. I just saved you from having your gun tumble out of your pants leg some day while you're trying to get milk or something.Electronics:This is for all the red dots, weapon mounted lights, handheld lights, and lasers you have. First, try turning them on. Make sure they actually work for more than a few seconds. If not, replace the batteries with the spares I know you all definitely keep handy. (And if not, order more, or consider investing in rechargeable ones) If a fresh battery doesn't fix it, you have a problem and need to call the appropriate customer service for a repair or exchange or whatever. Preferably in the case of a laser sight you just sell it and use that money for ammo or training.Another thing to note here is to check inside the battery compartment for corrosion or leaked battery fluids. Things that may not be an issue at the moment but could lead to one in the future when your life depends on it working. If you find stuff like that, you may want to consider sending it in for service or just replacing it.Lastly, wipe down the lenses/glass/emitters of your electronics. It's important to check the manual to see what they recommend for cleaning this area.Blades and Other EquipmentTake the time to clean and sharpen your knives. If it's a folder, use some cleaning fluid to rinse out the gear. Work it open and closed to break up residue and let it sit for an hour or so on a few paper towels so that dirt and dust can flow out of it. Put a drop or two of oil into the gear after that and work it open and closed to spread the oil a bit.Take the time to inspect any other equipment you may have as part of your self defense plan and ensure it is in good working condition.Cheers,crazyScott90P.S. Oh and feel free to use this as your wish list for next year or whatever. Just about everything above except for ammo can be bought on Amazon and through their Amazon Smile portal where your purchase would also make a contribution to the NRA-ILA or Second Amendment Foundation, etc. via /r/CCW

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