Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Carry Rotation?

Hi /r/ccw!Some folks talk about their "carry rotation". What's with that?If your main motivation to carry a firearm is to be ready to respond to a deadly threat with deadly force, then your motivation demands the discipline to practice with one gun that you know intimately and can deploy in a fraction of a moment with highest confidence. Gaining proficiency with multiple guns is more costly relative to the end result on both the wallet and the ol' muscle memory. Granted, for those of us in temperate zones I can understand the motivation behind carrying more bulk ("firepower") in cold weather and less in warm weather to maintain concealment. But why arbitrarily rotate through multiple guns, each with its own intricacies, if this is your emergency tool?On the other hand, if your main motivation to carry is because you are really into guns as a hobby, it makes perfect sense to wear the striker fired semi on Monday, the DA/SA on Tuesday, the SAO on Wednesday, safety disengages up on Thursday, safety engages down on Friday, single shot breech loader Saturday, and the snubby on Sunday. 😝Honestly, I think for most of us the motivation to carry is some mixture of the two above. The latter is no less valid- don't let me tell you what to do with your life! But if your main motivation is to carry an emergency tool, isn't it best to pick one and stick to it? via /r/CCW

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