Monday, October 2, 2017

Thoughts on Las Vegas shooting?

Link for those who don’t know.Just had a couple questions about the shooting last night/this morning. And full disclosure, I am from Canada, so I do not carry, but I am interested in hearing from those who do.Questions:What would you have done? Would you have tried to play hero, or do the smart thing and gtfo?Do you think you could have made a difference if you were there? Either by confronting the attacker or providing medical assistance afterwards?Do you think an armed security force would have made much of a difference? (Edit: Thinking more of a deterrent than reactionary)How well do you feel authorities handled the situation?Do you think there is anything anyone could have done better to minimize loss of life?What do you think will happen to gun laws(if anything), either in the US (or even other countries) or in the state/surrounding areas as a result of this?Any other thoughts relating to this situation? via /r/CCW

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