Thursday, October 5, 2017

Situational Awareness: What would you do?

Hey Guys/Fellow CCW holders.I have a question for you guys and gals as I often think about situations I could be put in/end up in while I am carrying my weapon.One question/scenario that came to mind is this:You are at a location (store of some sort) and there is a active shooter present. The shooter fires a shot or two and incites panic in the store so you draw your firearm to ready yourself.What you do not know is that there is also another CCW holder in the store with you who also has a weapon drawn in preparation for the midst of all this panic: A) What would you do? B) How would you identify a fellow good guy to a criminal?I posed this question earlier this week after entering a store with a good friend who carries. We split up to search for two different things in the store and I couldn't help but ponder, if someone began shooting and a CCW holder saw me with my gun drawn, would they immediately shoot me? or shoot my friend if they saw him?**All answers are allowed, both simple and complex. This is not meant to be a straight forward question, it was suppose to make you picture and actually think about potential risks and factors. I Frequently post queries and situations like this in much smaller groups, and the answer a very intriguing and gives you multiple perspectives on situational awareness. via /r/CCW

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