Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Keep thinking about this day

A couple years back when I first got my concealed permit I was working at a gas station in a bad part of town.I was carrying a shield 9mm at the time.I was working late night shift probably around 1 am doing my normal rounds. A group of people came Into my store. Probably 3 or 4 kids around 16-20. They came in yelling f that guy. He is a ect ect ect. A couple seconds later around another 2 or 3 guys walked into the store. Now these were grown men. One guy from the group of grown men started arguing with this kid and they were going back and forth cursing about something. Possibly drug related. That guy we will call Guy 1 says fuck this at some point and goes to his car. His buddies are telling him come on man let's just go. He comes back inside this time with his gun held out side ways and points it at the kids saying what now using profanity.Here I am behind the counter. Now I am behind bullet resistant glass. The kids start running behind the chips in aisles ducking, Scared and screaming. The guys buddies try holding him back saying come on man it's not worth it. But the guy with the gun keeps trying to do that hold be back sort of thing. Not sure if he was really going to shoot. But it was crazy.Then gun he was using looked like a stainless steel semi auto. Looked like a desert eagle at the time.First thing I do is duck and move away slowly into the back room and watch the cameras while I call the police.The guy ended up dragged off by his friends and they sped off in their car. The kids visibly shaken are now in the store. I told them to wait for the police so they could make a statement. They didn't police showed up over an hour later even though I told them a man with a gun was about to shoot some kids in my store.I don't know if I should have just done what I had done. What if he fired at these kids and they died, and I just stood there.I felt like it was a smart decision because the only way to get a shot on that guy was to open a locked bullet resistant door use that as a shield and shoot at him.Years later I still feel like I made a good choice. But it could have ended differently if that guy wanted to kill that night. via /r/CCW

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