Saturday, October 21, 2017

Drew my gun, did I do the right thing?

So I pulled my gun out for the first time last night and it's been bothering me because I don't know if I did the right thing. I live in a ghetto part of town where there are always sirens and gun shots at night, violence and just overall crime.

Anyways my girlfriend and I were walking my dog around 5pm and we were about a block away when my gf pointed at a house. I looked up and a figure dart back into the house super quickly. As this was happening a sketchy man walked passed us and said "I like your red shirt and brown dog." This set off a ton of alarms in my head before my conscious self knew what was going on. Then I noticed the man was saying it into a phone. I looked back at the house where the other man had darted back into and noticed that the car parked in the driveway had its window smashed. Then adrenaline kicked in like crazy and I grabbed my gf and told her to keep walking and stay close to me. A car parked a blocked down peeled away and started following us. She thought everything was fine so I had to yell at her (wasn't thinking) to keep walking and stay close. Luckily or unlucky we were only a block away from my house, but before we could get in the car following us parked in front of us and honked his horn twice to talk to us or something. I don't know if he was trying to bribe or intimidate us for witnessing a crime. I ignored him and ran into my house and grabbed my gun.

Both of our adrenaline is through the roof and one of my roommates comes home. I told him what happened and that we are freaked out. Then after a while my dog starts going crazy at the door. He can recognize when it's a roommate because he won't bark at them. I'm still on an adrenaline rush and my dog is going crazy so I grab my gun and go to the front. Nobody is knocking, dog is barking, and my roommate is still in his room not answering the front door. So I cocked my gun and it rang out distinctly.

Immediately my roommate rushes out and yells at me that it's just his friends. He didn't tell me he was inviting people over right after this went down, and didn't answer the door even though he could hear my dog going crazy which my dog normally doesn't do. But I feel awful because there is no way they didn't hear the gun being cocked and I feel like I intimidated them and that I'm a crazy paranoid. I didn't talk to them because I was too embarrassed and don't know them. And now I question if I should have even drew a weapon to begin with or should I have waited until I knew for sure someone was breaking in. I was in such an adrenaline high I couldn't think straight and that scares me because I don't know how to control my thinking with that much energy surging through you.

Should we have just kept walking past my house so they don't know where we live, or would that have been more dangerous to be exposed and unarmed? What's the best thing I could have done and what precautions should I take now?

Submitted October 21, 2017 at 01:39PM by needaquestionawnsere

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