Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Defensive Knife Use Debate

I constantly hear on /CCW that one should not carry a knife for defensive use.On the surface, I think I get it. That said, I don't think this advice stands up to some critical thinking, real world issues, information coming out of training (Shivworks) and also some basic common sense.Not everything is coming to mind tonight, but there's the basics of my thoughts:/CCW is the bulk of where I see all the knife FUD. It's not commonly present on other forums.Being shot has a lower survival rate than a stabbing does. I encourage each person to consider that "takeaway" for whatever it's worth.People legally carry guns frequently without much if any training on them. I am not saying that's good, and I am not saying people here don't advocate training, but MANY people here take a "no knives for defensive use" stance and seem to just say NO! to knives for defensive use and end the discussion there. I think that's intellectually fucking lazy. I tell EVERYONE and ANYONE to seek training for the weapons they carry, whether that's a damn kubotan, OC spray, a knife, a gun, an AR15, whatever. Why then are knives exempt from this? Should we not carry them even if we receive training for them? Again, I'm not understanding the seemingly mental block here people have with knives. I would be comfortable with the advice that someone should seek training before carrying a gun or knife, but I think R Pincus did a great video on how pistols are often used for successful self defense and the person doesn't have pistol training. Maybe, just MAYBE that could apply to knives as well? I would wager YES based on my research.I think purpose built defensive knives (ex: ka bar TDI) are easier to employ than firearms, especially when it comes to the considerations of close in spaces. A bullet is also more likely to travel through my attacker and back into my limb(s) than any knife edge would be and fixed blade knives are basically not going to malfunction while pistols often do with clothing, fingers and debris all in the mix. Yet again, no one mentions this or seems to want to discuss it.I think people fear getting stabbed more than they do getting shot, increasing the chance they tell people it's a big NO. I don't let fear and anxiety control me like it seems it does for others. Let's look at the research and what is going on when it comes to training and pressure testing and act like intelligent adults. I've had a people ignorant people here tell me they'd rather get shot than stabbed. They're either dumb, suicidal or both.People yet again seem intellectually lazy when they say that the "winner is going to die in the ambulance". Not every knife fight involves TWO knives. It may just involve MY knife and maybe some guy is trying to choke me out or whack my head with a tire iron but he doesn't have a knife. I can't control what my attacker brings to the fight right? If someone starts stabbing me, then well, I need to work on solving that problem and yeah, it's a "knife fight" whether I like it or not or whether I have a knife or not. Whether I employ ANY weapon I carry into the fight is based on my training and the situation, but I can't believe people just continue to repeat this stuff. If it's knife on knife, so be it, but I believe those situations are quite rare. Pulling your gun too early or late will 100% FUCK YOU GOOD as well. Yet again, not a peep about that concept. There's a HUGE training vacuum here when it comes to people rolling around with a simunitions gun and knife and the knowledge that flows from that experience. No one who punches paper only has that knowledge. But I know how many people have fragile egos when it comes to their CCW profile.If I have a knife (and my attacker does not) how the fuck am I if I am the eventual winner going to "die in the ambulance"? I want someone to explain that. It seems people always seem to worry about someone taking away their knife but I rarely hear mentions of the same concern applied to guns. I've seen guns taken away from the good guy role player in training than I ever have knives. So again, I'm not buying it. I have seen A LOT of people shot with their own simunitions gun. Anyone want to talk about that?I have taken quite a bit of training, both CQB/ECQC style and also BJJ. The knife is an incredible tool for me and has proven itself as a useful tool for me to gain an advantage over my "attacker" when i'm on my back being fucked up in training. Can my attacker remove it from me and use it on me? Yes, it can happen if it's discovered. Do you know what has happened EVERY single time in training? They had no idea I had a knife, but easily could tell I had a firearm in my waistband. CRAZY RIGHT?I carry a small, concealable fixed blade defensive use blade basically as a tool to ambush my attacker and fuck with their OODA loop. It may be because they have caught me off guard and I am on the ground, it may be because i have a free hand to access my knife to retain my gun, etc. but the people who think I'm planning on dancing around like I am in a thunder-dome are twits.everyone at /CCW's idea of what CCW defensive knife use looks like:http://ift.tt/2grCkXz via /r/CCW http://ift.tt/2zg7xRd

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