Wednesday, June 21, 2017

SC Permit Process SUCKS

Gotta vent for a second. I submitted my CWP application to SLED on ((([[[}]]]))). So taking into account of the 90 day period I expected to get my permit this week or next at the latest. Out of curiosity though I decided to call today and see what the hold up was since we are already past the 90 day period. So after calling the SLED regulatory line 3 separate times (ringing continuously for 5 mins each with no answer), I finally speak with someone in admin who gets the appropriate person on the phone. After (and I stress) VERY politely explaining my situation she begins to cut me off and tell me that there is a 90 processing period from the receipt of the application until receipt of the license. So I then inform her yet again that I had submitted it back in March so I didn't understand why I hadn't received it yet. She then tells me that they did not begin processing my application until April 18th! AN ENTIRE MONTH AFTER RECEIVING IT! Don't get me wrong I know there are states that have it worse (much love to you Cali), but it is really annoying. It's moments like this that I wish we had permitless carry because leave it to the government to screw the process up. Rant;dr applied for cwp in March, still haven't received the permit well after the maximum 90 day period only to find out they didn't enter the app in until a month after receiving it. via /r/CCW

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