Sunday, June 4, 2017

Incident at a Local Gun Shop

So the other day, I had a little extra time on my hands and I decided to stop into a local gun shop to look around. It was one of the rare occasions that I was not carrying as I was on my way to a neighboring state which seems to ignore the second amendment. The store itself is two stories and the second floor is like a mezzanine, so you can look down to the first floor and out the large glass entryway. I'm browsing on the second floor facing the entryway when I heard shouting. I looked downstairs and saw a customer nose to nose with an employee screaming profanity in his face and waving his arms around like a maniac. I moved out of the yelling guy's direct line of sight and continued to watch the situation unfold. The clerk did a very good job keeping his composure and just kept sternly telling the guy to leave. The not so happy customer walked out of my line of sight several times, but kept coming back for one more onslaught of obscenities a half inch from the poor clerks face. The guy was visibly drunk, and I was later told that he had tried to sell a gun and was told by the employee that they couldn't do business with him because he was intoxicated. The whole time I was seriously expecting this guy to pull out a gun. This would have ended poorly for him as every employee was armed, and hopefully some customers too, but a pretty unnerving experience all the same. Just a reminder of what's out there, and that Murphy's Law is alive and well. via /r/CCW

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