Wednesday, June 7, 2017

I got pulled over in California

On my way back home from school (~10:30PM) I was driving by my local hospital when an ambulance pulls out in front of me so I slow down a bit and give it ~100 yards of space. I'm casually following behind it, there's no other cars on our side of the road so I'm just cruising along. At the next light, the ambulance decides it wants to do a weird wide ass turn. He changes lanes into the dedicated right turn lane, turns right a bit then makes a wide turn all the way to the left poorly drawn image. So I slow down and it's a red light anyways so I stop at the intersection and I'm flabbergasted at what the ambulance just did. The light turns green so I'm just cruising along and behind me I see lights flashing and I pull over."Hello officer, how are you?""Why were you following that ambulance so closely?""Sorry he made a weird turn and I ended up super close to him. I got really confused when he made that turn.""Can I see your driver's license?""Yeah, sure" Hands over license and CCW"You carrying right now?""No, I'm just coming back from school and I can't carry there so..."Your school doesn't let you carry? Shoot if I were you I would still carry and just take the ticket. I have my gun with me everywhere""Yeah I don't want to get caught and potentially lose my license and deal with all the trouble""Yeah I got you. Try not follow the ambulance so close next time.""Sorry about that! Have a good evening"California has some of the most liberal (stupid) people and the shittiest politicians, but our cops are pretty cool :)First time I've ever been pulled over and it wasn't even for speeding. Damn I was nervous! via /r/CCW

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