Friday, June 2, 2017

CC in bars in Indiana/Kentucky?

I don't drink, and haven't done for over 20 years. However, karaoke might be a thing, and that seems to gravitate towards...bars.I live in Indiana, and I'm just north of Louisville, so I need to know the laws for both states regarding carrying in a bar.Everything I've found so far says that in Indiana, it's legal to carry in a bar. Bars aren't on the prohibited areas list in the legislation I've reviewed, and I can't find anything which says it's prohibited. There was also a bill which apparently was signed by the governor and explicitly approves carry in bars, but I can't find the statute to which it applies, only the bill number.Kentucky seems to be another story. Seems they used to be unable to carry in a bar, but could carry in the non-bar part of a restaurant. I've found references to a Bill 60 from 2014 which passed the Senate, but don't know what corresponding statute was affected, or even if it was officially signed into law.I'm specifically looking for statute numbers for both states which deal with the issue, as opposed to anecdotal, "Yeah, that's legal," accounts which cite no legislation. I'm happy (happiER!) to read the legislation myself, as opposed to just taking someone's word for it. My problem so far is actually locating it.My Google Fu is not working very well on this one, and there's a lot of crap out there, especially from half-arsed media stories.If anyone can lend a hand, I'd appreciate it. Thanks! via /r/CCW

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