Tuesday, March 14, 2017

How does constitutional carry or reciprocity affect gun free school zones?

I've read a lot out there about this and I just seem to be coming up with a bunch of conflicting info. Hoping you guys can clarify. Here's what I understand so far:Gun free school zone act = you can't carry within 1000 ft of a school boundaryYou're exempt if you're licensed (somehow?):(ii) if the individual possessing the firearm is licensed to do so by the State in which the school zone is located or a political subdivision of the StateSo questions:What does "licensed to do so" mean? Licensed to possess? Licensed to carry?Does that mean that those who carry in constitutional states without a CCW often violate the GFSZA?Does that mean EVERYONE who carry in Vermont (who doesn't issue licenses) is probably violating GFSZA?Does that mean that those who carry outside their home state using reciprocal licenses often violate the GFSZA in the state they're visiting? (ie, I have a permit in ID, I travel to TX which recognizes the ID permit, but since the I don't have a TX permit, I pass through school zones in TX illegally) via /r/CCW http://ift.tt/2mJekzL

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