Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Carrying at work

I will be turning 21 this coming summer, and even though I live in VT, where no permit is required, I am waiting until 21 (parents are pacifists, relatively anti-gun, longish story). I asked my boss what our employers policy on concealed carry was, and he said 'no weapons in the store.' I work at an outdoor retailer with messed up corporate. He said the rule was mainly to prevent employee-employee conflict, because apparently that had happened in the past. However, there are no signs stating 'no guns in store,' and as far as I have read in any contract, there is no mention of firearms. I'm going to see if I can re-read those contracts again, to be sure. Assuming that there is nothing in the contracts, and with no signage present, what are your thoughts? Carry anyway? Thanks for the input! via /r/CCW http://ift.tt/2nkmKPh

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