Wednesday, February 1, 2017

The First Time I Carried

I read a post by u/roogoff as he told the brief story of the first time he carried and it got me thinking about the first time I carried. I'll share my story, feel free to share yours.There's a local mall that has some good stores, but is definitely in decline and my wife and daughter wanted to go shopping. I had a new (to me) Ruger LC9 in condition 3, but didn't yet have a holster. So naturally, I decided on Mexican carry.I excused myself from the ladies and walked around, very aware of my printing and trying to will myself not to adjust the pistol when it eventually shifted and fell down my pant leg.Fortunately, I was close to a stairwell that takes you to the basement where the only offering is a bowling alley. I got to the bottom, holding the bulge just above my knee all the way down, and looked around to see if I was being followed.When I was sure the coast was clear, I let the pistol drop and picked it up, made sure it wasn't in a state where a ND could happen, and pocket carried it through the bowling alley, up the stairs on the other side, which lead outside, and re-entered the mall in another entrance. via /r/CCW

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