Thursday, February 9, 2017

Scenario: You come home to two thugs pointing guns at each other in front of your house.

Yes this really happened to me last weekend.A little background first. I live in a townhouse near campus in a small college city in the Midwest. My next door neighbors are not students and I know they participate in some criminal activities.Last weekend I came home from work at about 2:30 AM to find a party next door and a large crowd of people out in front of both mine and my neighbors places. When I got out of my car I noticed that there were 2 groups of people yelling and arguing with each other. Just as i'm about to make my way through the crowd to get to my door one of them pulls out a Hi Point 9MM from their waistband and points it at the other group. I immediately turn around, grab some concealment behind my car and discreetly get a grip on my Glock that is in my IWB holster. When I look back another man is brandishing a revolver that is tucked into his waistband and yelling at the man who is pointing the Hi Point at him. After a few more tense moments of yelling at each other a man who seemed to be a mutual friend of both parties got the guy with the High Point to lower put away his gun and he and his "crew" left. I then quickly got into my house and called the police who showed up a half hour later and really didn't seem to care.It was the closest I have ever been to drawing my gun and feel like I had the right to when the first guy pulled out the Hi Point but would not have been smart due to the large amount of bystanders and that no one really noticed me. I keep running this situation through my head though. Any feedback would be awesome. via /r/CCW

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