Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Moving a gun from concealed carry to motorcycle panniers before traveling through a state where my LTCF is not recognized.

I have a pretty specific scenario that I'm curious to hear your thoughts on. I recently received my PA LTCF, and I regularly go motorcycle camping in WV where my LTCF is also recognized. In order to get to WV, I have to travel through MD which does not recognize my LTCF.My question is how do I unload and transfer a handgun from a holster on my person into my motorcycle panniers before entering MD and after leaving MD?It seems like this would be easy to do in the privacy of a car, but on a motorcycle I feel like my actions would be much more noticeable. I know PA has open carry laws, but I'm not sure if that covers me if I have a gun in my hand in public.I'm not necessarily looking for advice specific to the three states I mentioned. I'd like to be able to apply this logic to any scenario where I am traveling through a state that doesn't recognize my LTCF. For example, I plan to travel through Illinois on a motorcycle trip I have planned for this spring.Though I am looking for advice on the law, I understand that I will have to do my own investigation on the matter beyond this. I'm just looking for guidance to get me started. via /r/CCW

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