Wednesday, February 22, 2017

I was in an attempted car jacking

On mobile, so I'm sorry if the formatting sucks, and sorry for the length. A bit of background, I have a lot of weapons experience and training, I'm pretty confident and competent in a SNAFU, and I carry a Smith and Wesson M&P Shield performance center.A couple weeks ago I was driving home at 5 a.m. from working overnight at my job. I live in a bad area of Cincinnati, and had to drive down a street that is pretty notorious for criminals and druggies. The street is barely wide enough to fit two cars because there's a line of cars on my right side that are always parked. Suddenly a SUV whips out from the line of parked cars and throws the vehicle in park. I immediately draw my pistol with my right hand and press it to the door, keeping my left on the steering wheel. Another car whips around a corner at this time rolling the window down. A man starts leaning out the window of the car as he pulls up beside me, grabbing something from the door of the car as he does so. My first thought is "I should try and back up" but with this other car there, all I'm going to do is reverse into another vehicle on the narrow road. So I hold my ground and move the pistol to up against the glass, so I can still it at his head. As he pulls level with me leaning out the window and grabbing an unknown object from the door, I've got my gun pressed to the glass of my car. He sees it, eyes go wide, throws whatever he had back into the car, and he peels off. Then the SUV ahead of me immediately does the same. In the dark, there's no way the SUV driver saw my piece when I drive a car that's low to the ground. So there was obviously some coordination done here for them to both peel out same time. I can't prove the other driver was pulling out a gun, but IMHO, there's nothing else this could have been but a car jacking. via /r/CCW

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