Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Moving to MD

I am a TX resident originally from MD. Since I've been gone MD has gotten continually stricter about gun laws.Prior to moving to TX it was never an issue since I did not own any weapons.I now have a resident TX CHL and a non resident in FL. I rarely carry, and am happy to never carry in MD since it will be virtually impossible.I could attempt to apply based on cash handling with my employer, who is also very pro second amendment and would likely confirm the needed criteria, but it isn't worth the hassle in my mind. Plus it may still not qualify.I have two full size double stack 9mm pistols, plenty of full size mags, as well as a reasonable amount of ammunition. I go to the range semi regularily and replenish what I use with online bulk orders or local purchases.Basically my quick research shows that I won't have a problem moving (the drive) and intend to keep ammo locked in box separate from guns locked in box in back of SUV. MD is fine with high cap mags if I don't sell/trade/plan to buy more instate. But I think ordering ammo online isn't an option for the future. Lastly I'll have to register them within 90 days.While I am not a fanatic constitutionalist, prepper, zombie apocalypser, or believe I will need to fight our government in the revolution; I don't completely subscribe to the required registration of a pistol. I understand the advantages of the system and agree with its use for crime solving and tracking, but if laws radically changed the registry would be "the tool" for which rights were usurped. Of course I think the chances of that happening are quite remote, but the restrictions have been creeping.So here is the questions. Given that my residency will correctly legally change. What do I sacrifice by not registering?If solely for home defense and the firearm never leaving my property, I imagine if used my defense case may be undermined and I could be penalized for breaking the law? Or perhaps there is a personal property clause or exemption.I imagine without them being registered I am at risk of forfeit/destruction of firearm, loss of license, and felony level charges even if properly transporting anywhere.I also imagine if stopped for any reason they will see I am CHL/produce license, with no guns are registered. This could be no issue, unless I am transporting a weapon?I am not sure if transporting a weapon in MD properly what you are required to state if stopped and are asked, I suppose "I am not armed" but no details about the unregistered unloaded gun in the trunk? I would like to be honest and not adopt the sovereign citizen approach of "am I being detained/probable cause for search" etc.Lastly MD ranges may require guns to be legally registered, as I haven't been to one in memory and never with my own weapon.I am not sure if you can "float" or "claim" you just purchased out of state and have "yet" to register of you have a MD drivers license that was issued in excess of 90+ days ago- since that is fraud at minimum or has been prevented altogether.What are your thoughts? Not looking for lawyer level legal advice, just general knowledge, understanding, and opinions.Thanks! via /r/CCW

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