Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Story time: The day I decided my beloved 1911 .45 might not be all that as an EDC.

I worshipped at the altar of Jeff Cooper as a baby gunner. I spent hours devouring Guns and Ammo, and Cooper's books as a teenager in the early 80s. It was inevitable when I could own my first handgun, it would be a Colt 1911 in .45 ACP. I selected a Series 80 Colt Combat Commander Stainless and bought a handful of Wilson Combat #47 magazines. I started spending a large portion of my income on 230gr .45 ball, and most of my free time at the range. I loved that pistol. I became very capable with it, and completely tore it down to every individual piece to inspect and clean and polish it at least every other month.​When I turned 21, I applied for and received my State of NH pistol license. I only owned one pistol worth of carrying according to Col. Cooper, so I bought a Milt Sparks Summer Special holster and double mag carrier. After a couple of years of carrying that setup, I decided to send my Colt to Wilson Combat for a set of night sights, extractor replacement and tuning, and a throat and polish. I purchased a newly introduced Colt 1991A1 to take its place while it was sent off to Bill Wilson. The 1991A1 turned out to be an unreliable POS, so I quickly chose to carry my Beretta 92FS, figuring a "puny" 9mm that functioned 100% was better than a janky .45.​On the fateful day when I became a hi-capacity pistol convert, I was sitting in my little 2WD Nissan pickup, 92FS loaded 15+1 with Federal Nyclad 124gr JHPs tucked into the crack between the bench seat and seat back with the backstrap stuck behind the seatbelt latch, so it wouldn't slide forward if I had to get on the brakes hard. It was uncomfortable to have in my waistband while sitting in the truck, so that was my temporary solution. I also had a spare mag in a belt carrier on my left side.​I was last in line at the bank drive-thru window, two cars in front of me. As the car in front of me, some big 70s 2 door boat got to the drive up window, I rolled up behind him. As I came to a stop, a full size pickup with 2 men in it came whipping out of nowhere, around the corner of the bank, and pulled right up to my bumper. At the same time, both doors of the car in front of me popped open, and a man came out of each door, looking back at me. My brain instantly went into warp speed, and I figured out I was pinned in, the bank building to my left, vehicles front and back, and a large curb and pillar supporting the overhead structure preventing me from getting out to the side. Fuck. Me. Is this really happening? What the fuck do these guys want? Am I going to get robbed?​I grab the 92FS, holding it down out of sight, as all I am seeing is two guys behind me sitting in their truck on my bumper, the passenger of the car ahead of me walking toward the front of his car and the driver of the car approaching my window. I reach to roll down the window as the guy is approaching me. as I turn my body and he gets to the window, the 92FS is in my right hand, muzzle almost in contact with my drivers door panel, pointed right at his chest out of his sight. I roll the window down about 1/4 of the way, as he says to me "Hey, sorry man, but my car just died and it will take us a minute to get it started." or something like that. I can't remember what he said because of the pounding pulse beats in my ears. I glanced toward the front, and sure enough, the passenger is opening the hood of the car to tinker with it. I nod and say "No problem." or something similar, and the guy heads back to the truck behind me to talk to that driver.​As I was coming down from the adrenalin rush, knees and hands shaking, 92FS tucked back into its spot, I thought about the gunfight math. I never figured I might have to deal with 4 guys at once in the most crime-free state in the nation, but it could have happened that day. At that point 7+1 and 2 spare mags didn't seem all that hot stacked up next to 15+1 and another mag of 15 on the belt. I studied up on the most effective 9mm rounds and shortly after bought a Hi-Power and some 17 round South African mags. Now I'm mostly a CZ guy, but still 9mm, and still Condition One​ via /r/CCW

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