Monday, February 25, 2019

tips after attempted break-in?

I live alone (24F) in a loft in a mid-sized city. Homeless and drug addicts are a regular sight, but they mostly keep to themselves. My apartment has a keyed entry to the front door and I've always felt safe with the low probability of a stranger wandering to my door of all doors in the building. Yesterday, I was the winner of the shitty probability lottery.I was at home watching Netflix when someone banged on my door. I hopped up and looked out the peephole, only to find it was covered. I immediately called the police and grabbed a steel baton and pepper spray and barricaded myself in my room. The man yelled nonsense and tried to bust the door down for about 10 minutes. I called the police back at that point to see what was taking so long and was only told that they "had been dispatched."The yelling and banging stopped, so I thought maybe he had left. Suddenly he yelled so loudly that I thought he was in my living room, "IS YOUR POWER OUT?" It was the first coherent thing that he said. I didn't have any lights on at that point, so I flipped a switch and nothing happened. From that point I just tried to not lose my shit because I felt trapped with insufficient means to protect myself.21 minutes after my initial 911 call, I hear sirens and the man fled. The police came up and stayed all of 2 minutes and left without even canvassing the building or taking a report since I didn't see what he looked like and he never made it inside my apartment. The emergency maintenance technician was extremely helpful and said that he will install a panel in the electrical unit to prevent it from happening the same way again and he searched my floor and stairwell.I looked up gun laws in my state and found that no registration or purchase permits are required to buy a handgun. What do I do from here? What should I get that's fairly inexpensive and easy to operate? What should I practice? I haven't shot a gun in years and don't feel extremely comfortable with one, but I don't want to be a victim either and this seems like the best recourse.TL;DR: attempted break-in yesterday, want a gun today. Suggestions? via /r/CCW

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