Wednesday, February 27, 2019

My AIWB vs hip observations

I really wanted to get into AIWB, but just couldn't make it happen.Things I loved about AIWB:Comfort with walkingAbility to bend over/down without printingFast drawMy issues with it:How to handle sitting in the car. Belt over the holster and I'm worried about driving the gun into my pelvis and possibly breaking the holster causing shards of kydex to go into the trigger guard.Printing. I always hear people say they are too fat for appendix. I am skinny so figured it would be great. Issue is I have no pecs so my shirts drape down my chest, then over the big lump known as the M&P. This is with a claw.Drawing while holding my kid. One of the big reasons I have a gun is to protect my family. There are a lot of situations where I am out and carrying my kid on my hip. I can draw one handed with the other hand when carrying on my hip, but with appendix, his leg is right on the gun.My irrational fear of a ND. I know it won't happen... in fact when appendix my gun doesn't even point at my femoral. But just being in that region freaks me out. And best case scenario if I had an ND it would blow my dick off which means no more sex for life.So overall looks like I'm sticking with hip carry. I honestly really wanted to like appendix but I don't think it is for me. Just wanted to share and see if anyone had similar experiences or any thoughts. via /r/CCW

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