Friday, February 15, 2019

Changing employer policies

We’ll just put the TLDR at the top and save some time..TLDR: Had a convo about ccw’s with manager, manager freaked out and miscommunicated to corporate, almost got fired, wanting to change employer policy regarding ccw...So I work for a company that has a vague employee policy regarding weapons. I’m a class a commercial driver with 20 years experience. I was sent to a secure military site to deliver electrical supplies. Happens all the time. I’ve been sent to secure sensitive sites, military bases, naval yards, government facilities etc. I have a valid ccw, weapon not on me. They issued me a “formal notification” that since I have a ccw, they’re just confirming that I know they’re not allowed on federal property etc. okie dokie. Talking to a manager about it and he misinterprets this as “HE HAS A GUN AT WORK!!!!” Calls corporate. Corporate, my boss and HR sit down yesterday to go over the events because what was said from the manager to corporate was misconstrued and miscommunicated. I explained the permit process in my county, the difficulty in obtaining one in California in general etc. Even tell them that I may now feel singled out and discriminated against because I have the holy grail and unicorn of the gun culture in California.Here’s where things get interesting. Instead of a hard no, Director of logistics, Director of transportation and HR Director are willing to sit down and talk about the possibility of changing our company policy to actually ALLOW concealed carry at work. Currently, it’s a nope. Not on premises, parking lots vehicles etc. however, they’ve said and it’s stated in our policy that they cannot search me, my property, my vehicle, bags etc. so basically, I could have a safe sitting in plain view in my truck. Or ACTUALLY be carrying at work. But unless they actually see the physical firearm itself, cannot touch me or my property.So now I’m going to look up as much as I can in the way of facts and information to present to my HR Director to start the ball rolling in favor of changing our policy to allow it...All that being said... where would you start? What information would you present to an HR Director and possibly president and ceo of a MASSIVE company to change the corporate status and workplace policy???Also: how many of you would say screw company policy, I’m carrying anyway? How many would try and change it?Thanks! via /r/CCW

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