Wednesday, September 19, 2018

How to defend myself

Hi, I'm scared about being (sexually or not) assaulted. I'm female and around 20. I'm skinny (weight about 88lb) and 5ft tall. We had trouble with a guy with bad intentions at work but coworkers were laughing because he's not very strong. They said something like "This guy could not harm anyone here, well anyone except that little girl" (Refering to me). I don't feel comfortable knowing that nobody takes me serious and think they could harm me if they wanted cause I'm weak. I'm also very introvert so I don't know what to answer when somebody verbally harasses me.
Truth is that I'm weak and feel helpless about defending myself from a bigger and taller guy. I don't do sport so I'm not even fit. Thinking about that freaks me out, I've thought about learning self defense or even going to the gym to gain little strength but truth is I won't be able to do much against a guy that is more than twice my size and weight.
What could I do with this situation? I feel helpless...

Submitted September 19, 2018 at 10:51AM by AfraidDistrict

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