Monday, September 24, 2018

Problems after an attack

Hey I was recently attacked by a stranger. I'm usually very keen on self defense but I didn't anticipate the aftermath of when you are attacked by a stranger.

First the incident: attacked by a transient addict type. He rounded a corner in a convenient store doorway. Pushed me backwards and then swung his fist up at my head. I held a job as a paraprofessional aide for autistic kids...this isn't my first rodeo with cheap shot sucker punches. I dodged the punch and threw my stuff in his face in which he ran away rather quickly. I was so fortunate no marks and no apparent damage. For this I am grateful. But what happens afterwards I wasn't prepared for...

I came home my socially awkward sister in law said something rather insensitive about "why does this stuff always happen to you?" She never thinks before she speaks. I told her outright no more talking about it and left to pout in my room. Come back out to eat at dinner and she comes at me with rapid fire questions when it's pretty clear I'm pissed and not into light conversation. I was still suffering from adrenaline/cortisol cocktail. Then I go into my room and she is knocking on my door. Her neediness gave me no sanctuary.

Next day I get up and I felt like I was in a car crash. No one mentioned you can give yourself whiplash when speaking of self defense. My fiance expected me to do dishes. Again that feeling of not getting rest. I am more than pissed no sanctuary after an emergency.

I'm now having those bad feelings mixed with paranoia. Out on the street I can't muster going without keys in my fists or pepper spray. I'm on the fence about getting counseling mostly because my family handled this so poorly. I'm 100% on getting a massage because the neck misalignment won't go away. Any other things people understand, share experience, or say about aftermath of attacks? Did not expect all of this chaos to say the least.

Submitted September 24, 2018 at 11:27AM by violetmia

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